Activating Flow State

As you continue to develop into the most beautiful version of yourself you are gifted access to a space where higher intellect can be found. It is within this space you enter the Flow state. Flows state is an ongoing connection between you and the divine. Within this non thinking state you are allowed the ability to do access majesty effortlessly. It is here where what seems to have been lost becomes yours again.

Operating off of pure consciousness requires no distraction as the slighted thing can interrupt the feed. The more you continue to reverence silence the easier it is to access. Silence is the bridge between the intellectual mind and the supreme authority. This state of supreme authority or Flow State is what great artist and genius thinkers tap into. Within this state you are divinely inspired to create and build the most incredible things.

This state of being is the epitome of the human experience. Flow state incites efficiency in all processes. It is where you can get the most done without exerting too much energy. The more you dismantle your attention from distractions the better your chances become to entering this state. It’s all about developing your monkey mind. You have to see the mind as a tool. It should not run the show.

The mind is a tool used to solve problems. Within flow state it simply isn’t needed. It is required that you stay within your body. Someone with poison toxins will never be able to get to this point. The toxins act as a barrier to what lies beneath the feelings. I believe flow state is our natural state of being. One in which we existed before all the distractions were introduced. Getting back here is matter of the hearts intent. If you truly want to be closer to your natural state of existence your actions will prove it.

Don’t over complicate evolution. Simply allow a natural thing to happen. Do away with your lowly desires and rise about the fluctuation of human emotion. You will be sure to rise according to your nature. Do right. Think right, and make sound choices. All is working on your behalf. Do your part to maintain the solid connection.


Sex With Me

The Ultimate Pleasure

Pleasure is easy to achieve. I've arrived at a place where I can receive such from the way I breathe. Deeply; in and out. Slowly ever aware of the flow. It's sexy this thing we call life. The beat of the heart combined with the emotions of life felt from within. If you were to stop overindulging you'd begin to realize sex is always happening. Things are in constant collision causing luxurious friction.

It is here where you find pleasure. Utter peace and pure delight. I can't get enough of myself. I gather strength from this sacred space of loving embrace without the need for help or the hands of another being. I make love to myself just being. A simple thought. A new realization forming the highest frame of mind gets me to a place of climax every time. I am always satisfied when I deal with myself. The need to touch or lust has become an ideal on an imaginary shelf. I feel no need to merge.

I am solely in control of my energetic flow and this is something I choose not to compromise. I care not to esteem a man's pride. I have the slightest desire to be entered as I know what it truly means to encounter another being. Becoming one isn't something to take lightly. It is a union. One that you'll have for life. With my level of awareness it becomes clear to me making love is a gesture of keeping one's heart and mind at ease. You see I'm having sex all the time. With myself that is. I go deep and I like it there. I take myself on many trips that no one has ever dared.

Sex is much more than a thrust or physical touch. It is a symbiotic agreement between the body and the mind. Currently, I am penetrating new areas of myself one day at a time. For now, it's all about perfecting this solo routine. Pleasure is all I experience. Alone just me being with me.

- Meditaive

The Journey Within

Here I am again at this point of total admiration. It feels as if I can see my new life off in the distance just beyond self imagined mountains. These mountains are structures of absolute power that once surpassed, will enable me to become stronger and wiser. I gladly accept the challenge as I know I am well equipped. As I continue to move into a constant state of observation by allowing myself to create distance between my thinking mind, and the body my consciousness is able to pinpoint certain character traits that will not be helpful as I make the trek. This is the journey.

Throughout the day I find myself with a tissue in hand, face firmly planted as tears of relief, joy, and sometimes guilt rush down. I hold my breath as I go deeper into the feeling to allow myself to penetrate the pain deeply because I know the moment will be a past memory soon enough. Although at times the release feels agonizing I welcome it. I enjoy the waves of emotion. I understand energy in motion is in accordance to creation therefore I willingly surrender to the waves. I also know it is crucial to not remain with an emotion for too long. For that won't due me any good either as I just stated creation = motion. This is the journey.

I'm often filled with immense gratitude to be able to reconcile with myself. Allowing what was once lost to be regained. As I go down into the feeling I retrieve aspects of myself that were once lost due to self negligence. I often apologize to myself during the lows. My appreciation for life has grown and the moments of the day seem to be lasting impressions within my being. As I encounter these structures of hidden emotion I can't help but outwardly call out or rather sob, thanking The Creator for allowing me to conceptualize my current state. This permits me to gracefully reorganize myself. This is the journey.

Taking a practical approach to existence has truly been rewarding and my life is becoming better due to the decision to live life at the highest state of conduct. And this wasn't as hard as the mind made it seem. The mind is accustom to things being operating certain way. So when you switch it up there can sometimes be a lag between what your consciousness is saying and what signals the mind is sending to the body. It is important to note the sensations of the body do not have to be followed. They are not commands. Only simple sensations due to the brains current programing. This can be changed by consistatly examining the thoughts. Dismissing what isn’t in alignment with the new lifestyle you are creating for yourself.

This is the journey. I am inspirited by the simplest of things as I recognice myself as a student of life. I am growing and I am committed to myself like never before. Here’s what I’v gathered thus far. Once you come into an awareness you are required to conduct yourself differently. What one learns must be embodied, applied, and live otherwise you only keep empty words amongst your heart that do no good to the keeper. Awarenesses must be personified. only then will you access new levels of existence. And if you choose to not adhere. You should prepare yourself for a great fall. Understand you will drop further into your self inflicted chaos. Where the noise will become louder than before. Avoid this self initiated turmoil by choosing to follow your inner intelligence. The consciousness we house never leads us astray.

This is the journey.

- Meditative

Life Is The Opportunity

What Are You Waiting For?

Most of us overlook life as the greatest opportunity. The ability to have a physical body with a seated consciousness is not a moment to sleep on. Life is an opportunity for individual advancement. Each day granted presents you with the choice to make the most of time or not. Most people fail to realize or can't comprehend life this way. They believe waking is always going to happen and they also assume our bodies will work as they should even without proper care and attention. Let me wake you up to the fact that this isn’t true. Your body will only do as much as you require of it. Your body will become an example of just what your are. And waking is a privilege to the wise individual. If you’ve ever experienced an unexpected death you’d be able to grasp this concept much easier.

You see none of us know when we will lose access to this physical plain. None of us know the moment our last breathe will be taken or the last thought to be realized and it is this knowing that should inspire us to make the most out of our opportunity to live. You see life is the ultimate opportunity. We humans may perhaps be the envy of the cosmos. It is us who are able to experience pleasure and pain coupled with a consciousness enabling us to read between the lines. Most sleep on this reality. We move too fast to appreciate the rise and fall of our chest cavity. Thinking the involuntary process of breathing and blood flow are something we are entitled to just because we are human. Let me tell you aren’t entitled to anything. In fact it is more beneficial to see yourself as and entitlement to life.

Life being finite should be recognized as a holy experience. We shouldn’t waste our lives by not taking proper care of our minds, bodies, spirits, and souls. Being human is a responsibility. I use to say it was a gift but now I see it as an opportunity. And with opportunities come responsibilities. Now each individual is responsible for the mood or theme of their life. We choose what we pay attention to. We choose what we become. Therefore the faculty of choice must be closely examined. To choose not to make the most of each day is a choice against yourself. It is a silent contract you make to remain the same. This silent contract you make via your choices will always manifest itself physically. This is the rule of thumb here in this physical plain. Those who hold the Bible in high regard should reference Luke 12: 2-3. Be sure not to exclude your part in the matter.

You see it should be noted the consciousness within the physical body is wise. The consciousness has experienced more than our human minds can conceptualize. It is always guiding us. It is directly correlated to The Creator. What happens is we allow our minds; our greatest tool; to be the main event. Not realizing that in order for a tool to be useful it must be properly used and handled. Another invisible aspect of the mind are the spirits of influence. Depending on your spiritual disposition you can be influenced to go against your consciousness aka the highest form of intelligence. It is up to you to feed yourself good food. And i’m not talking about only the matter. You must strategically select what you allow within your portals. For what you take in comes out and it greatly influences the aptitude of your spirits.

Our minds are receptors and we can receive messages from many different sources aka spirits. The messages relied will manifest as the state of your mind. It will enable you to face challenges or be defeated. A weak mind is the product of a weak spirit. To strengthen the mind one must inspect the spirits allowed within the vessel. Also take note the people you associate with will have a strong influence over you so choose wisely. Human connection can help you gain or loose. Be sure to only associate yourself with things of value to enhance this opportunity called life.

Let me reiterate life is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Right now is the time to take proper action. It is your responsibility to make the most of your waking time. Do only things that will grant you an advantage. It is wise to dedicate each waking moment to growth and development. Don’t fall into a state of complacsecisy. Don’t watch, listen to, or participate in activities that don’t strengthen your spirits. Again it is the spirit(s) that influence the mind. Don’t waste your life.


Sweet Sixteen

Adhering To Sobriety

My First Hit

I can remember my first hit of Mary J like it was yesterday. I was commitment from the first inhale. Sitting in front of a closet mirror, I took my first bowl hit and soon after I became intoxicated by laughter. I was living in Cali and my first taste was of the highest quality. It felt nice to be able to escape myself for a bit. I felt like a child again. One without any implications of the evilness in the world. Mary seemed to given wings which allows me to gracefully escape the funk of my tribulations. From that moment forward it was she and I against the world. She was literally one of the closet feminine essence around me and I was incapsulated by her smell, taste, and the effect on my body and mind. Since the age of 23 up until 16 days ago we communed multiple times a day.

The Dark Ages

I can remember when things turned dark. i’d say I was about a year into my love affair when not having her around became an issue. Mary was so important to me that if you wanted my attention you’d better partake and have unlimited access to her to be accepted by me. I never took a break. I smoked before work, during my break, and afterwards up until I fell asleep. It became ritual of mine. I considered it holy. I personally still don’t condemn the herb it was my abuse of the substance that shifted me to a place of codependency. Without weed I was a bitch. I would be mood AF and not give a crap about how it affected the people closely associated to me. It was me, Mary, and my supplier against the world. No lie.

Total Commitment

You see once I commit to something I go all in. It’s just the way I am. I don’t deviate from what brings me satisfaction. I would spend my last dollar to commune with that Fire. My close friends knew me to never be without and about 18 days ago I got my hands on the largest amount id ever been in possession of. Now over the years it became apparent to me that life without it felt overwhelming and often just too much to deal with. Mary held my hand when I felt like crap and with each inhale and exhale I experienced temporary relief. I think i’ve painted a clear picture of just how intimate my relationship with the substance was.

The Catalyst

Approximately a month ago I came across my now mindset coaches content. Me being well traveled and an adept when it comes to energy and reading someones energy felt completely enamored by my coaches approach to life and the delivery of his messages. I mean it was as it he spoke directly to my soul. It not hard to recognize a vessel of truth. Especially one that has experienced the lows and highs of life. To sum it up it was easy for me to respect his person and his teachings. I followed him but did’t immediately dive into the content. I wasn’t quite ready to stop bullshitting around. Sixteen days ago I allowed myself to binge on his content and it was a wrap ever sense. I watched one of his videos where he spoke about is own substance abuse. Within the video he made a statement to the effect of you are smoking because you don’t like your reality! This statement struck a cord within my heart and hence begin my mental shift began.

Life Changing

I found myself realizing this was a true vessel of light and seemingly a beacon for my own path. I had the desire to stop for awhile and after witnessing his transparency coupled with exceptional display of character and personal development I knew I needed to join forces. He encouraged and exemplified a total life transformation. And that’s exactly what I wanted for myself. So that same. day I joined his program and life has become sweeter due to my obedience to my consciousness. I’m sixteen days in and I have absolute no desire to partake. And let me remind you if I wanted to I could! I am operating of my sheer will to exemplify Superior Conduct. This is one of coaches mantras. Sober Fit Enlightened and getting Rich is also a slogan and has now become my main focus. Lets GO!

Sweet Sixteen

How good it feels to be able to operate from my own clear mind. Abstaining from all substances while reconditioning my brain to think and perform in new more efficient way has been soul satisfying. I often find myself on the verge of tears as I am filled with an abundance of gratitude. Reactivating my website is a direct correlation of me deciding to change my life. Every day I am committed to adding value to myself. I am excited about where I’m headed. Sweet Sixteen 1=6 = 7 GOD MODE is activated within my being. I can’t wait to update the blog when hit my year marker. I will do something grand to celebrate myself.

Me Facing ME

Ultimately I had the desire to stop and after witnessing my coach live what I dreamed of it all became accessible to me. My mind saw that I could be just as great. It’s been lit ever since and I’m excited to continue living sober. Funny story, when I came home today I stepped out of my car and got a strong wift of Mary Jane and I was repelled by it. I actually said to myself “Who is smoking that crap?” Two months ago I would have had the desire to join the party. Behold old things have passed away and all things are NEW! My visceral reaction was an indication of my growth. I am proud of myself and I can’t wait to see what will manifest as a result of me choosing to level up my life.

You Can Change Your Life

Let this go to show and prove our lives are ours to command. The body surely follows the mind. And from my perspective the mind is heavily influenced by the spirit. Therefore it is the spirit(s) within that influence our nature. I’m grateful to have a strong spirit which enables my will to be solid. To the reader who also desires to commit to sobriety, allow my story to inspire you to do it. Nothing but ourselves is the only obstacle that exist. When external issues arise instead of numbing ourselves it is best to accept the challenge head on. Adapting the mindset of being victorious no matter what it takes. Understand that if you will to be different you can make the change. Lastly I’d like to add this tip. It is extremely helpful to replace your unhealthy habits with new healthy ones.. This will enhance your ability to stick to the program. Be encouraged. Change is a matter of RIGHT ACTION.

Peace. Until next time.

- Meditative

Car Trouble

Against All Odds Stay Focused

Life is a beautiful collection of chaotic events. Each experience presents us with the opportunity for growth and personal development. Tonight I was presented with a challenge. I mean to be honest we are always being challenged and test to see how down we are for ourselves. Back to the story. This evening as I prepared to drive home I started to experience a bit of lag when accelerating. Immediately feelings of dread came over me as this was not a foreseen issue. I told myself to remain calm as I began to feel the onset of stress express itself within my body. The first thing I did was call my father to inform him of the issue. I was concerned whether or not I’d be able to make it home. Ultimately I decided to slow down, turn on my caution lights and proceed to my destination. My original plan was to visit the gym tonight to complete my arm workout but Blue Magic (my car) wasn’t feeling it. Lucky I have a bit of equipment at home so the night won’t be a total bust.

Back to the story. I managed to make home still unclear of the exact problem but I know in due time it will be resolved. I wanted to write about this incident because my mind began to wonder and again I started to stress a bit. Now I know this is totally out of my control therefore stressing about this situation would be a waste of my time and energy and my new motto is I AIN’T GOT A SECOND TO WASTE. Indeed I won’t waste time pondering about the upcoming expense or anything of the sort. I decided to channel the energy into my website. Something I laid doormat for awhile due to my own self neglect. I am totally removed from that space with clear intent to never agree to such existence again. I have way too much to offer to sit around and be less.

The lesson tonight for my own mindset is to remain in motion. To do what I can with what I have. I know it is in my best intrest to keep my mind clear, to better enable acute problem solving to take place. I know in moments like this we need to think inline of solution based thoughts and not complain about this minor issue. It’s not the end of the world. It did change my plans and I will have to adjust things in the near future but having the ability to adjust is the blessing. Lets be clear. Problems will arise and this is something we can bet on. No ones life is free of issues. It is the manner and attitude we have about the onset problem that makes all the difference. I choose not to be defeated. Instead I see this a a challenge to become better skilled in managing stress and problem solving.

In the meantime I ask you the reader to say a few kind words for Blue Magic. The car has for sure seen better days. As for me I will make plans for the days ahead and deliberately choose to count in all joy in the midst of this challenge. I am thankful for the opportunity to show the universe just who I am. I have been doing a lot of great work lately and I refuse to let this small hurdle plummet me into a place of low level thinking. Again I AIN’T GOT A SECOND TO WASTE!

Now, it’s time to go workout. Peace and Blessings


The Battle Within that Is Already Won

The Four Blockers to Happiness are described above. In my opinion, by dealing with each of these, we succeed in achieving one of our key goals: keeping a stable mental state. These frequencies are felt by everyone. They typically overwhelm you with thoughts as you come up. I believe it's your subconscious trying to determine whether you're ready to consciously experience what you want.

In order to rebuild you must first destroy.

In order to rebuild you must first destroy.

When it all seems to crumble remember in order to rebuild you must first destroy.

We must come to realize things happen for us not to us. Whether it be a pleasant experience or not. It is simply a lesson and it doesn't define who you are. A lot of times we'd rather avoid the pain and look for the nearest escape route. Without finding resolve we subsequently stunt our development, and prolong our progress.

The Inside Scoop with the Meditative Mom

The Inside Scoop with the Meditative Mom

We all too often are in search of a quick fix. Relying on something to help dull the effects of our carelessness. Depending on forces outside of ourselves to be our saving grace. While denying and ignoring the baggage we ourselves have gathered and packed. How much longer will we give away our power? How much longer will we stagnate our personal development?