The Covering

Protect Love & Nourish

As a mother it is our duty to protect, love, nurture, our developing children. We cannot leave this task to anyone else and we shouldn’t expect our society to step in and help raise our offspring. Once accepting the contract to parent it becomes your first duty in the life. All else becomes secondary as the new version of yourself requires all of focus and attention. Motherhood is a blessing because it offers you insight into parts of your forgotten self. It grants the opportunity to repair and develop yourself and your seed. Recognizing your children as their own person is essential. I believe the child chooses the vessel it comes through. The soul contract is made during conception. As the developing intelligence agrees to be housed with you it becomes the duty of the host to be the absolute best for the developing seed. Once a child come earth side they are totally dependent on you the mother or parent to protect nourish and guide.

Children deserve our respect.

Our children are copies of our dna therefore they will exemplify similar characteristics. Through healthy parenting you get the ability to offer guidance and in a way you are able to self correct. This is the ultimate responsibility and from my personal experience it is essential to have a firm knowing of your individual stressers and areas or opportunity. It is important to have a support system as you will need to seek advice and support from others. Isolationg oneself will ultimately limit the progression of you and your seed. Motherhood is a selfless journey of self reflection. It is important to note your children are an upgraded version of yourself and deserve your upmost respect.

Our children come to teach us about ourselves. They offer the most genuine mirror to the parent particularly the mother. I despise anyone who proclaims their children to be a burden. I hate to hear and witness a mother fix their mouths to say my kids are getting on their nerves. What the mother is actually confessing is her inability to deal with herself. This is why becoming a mother isn’t something you do to obtain status or to keep a lover. It is of the highest calling ,and you will be accountable for how you chose to be absent or show up. Also know your children are recording everything within their subconscious minds. They may not vocalize their discomforts but they will manifest them eventually as they continue to develop.

Deal with your mental and physical health.

It is impartive that you the mother takes proper care of your physical and mental health. You must know that everything you do is in some way shaping their perception on life. It is our duty to present only the best to our seeds. You must learn how to separate your personal sufferings from your children. And you must never take out your anger on them due to your inability to process emotions. If you do trust and believe the seeds of discord you plant will one day manifest and retaliate against you. It is the law of action. The law of karma.

As you are reading this and you notice your own faults choose not to beat yourself up yet take full accountability for how you are presently showing up. If you need to apologize to your child(ren) do so. Don’t allow your pride to corrode you from the inside out. Again nothing goes unseen and you will reap exactly what you sow. Understand that your issues are yours and our children should not suffer from our short comings. Take on the task of getting yourself together for the betterment of your ancestry. If you choose to operate at your lowest capacity you are cursing your seed and future generations to come.

Unconditional Love

Now that you’ve become aware of the responsibility of motherhood it will be required of you from this day forward to improve yourselves. Your conscious won’t allow you to be comfortable within your ignorance. To the mothers who understand this through and through, thank you. Continue to raise confident, self assured children to ensure a rich future for yourselves and our society. Now you’ve been informed. Go be your best!


Herbs & Pregnancy

Salutations to the natural world. Pregnancy, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of spiritual experience. It helps us comprehend our past, present, and future selves better. It requires us to take the best possible care of ourselves. Due to our agreement, a new being will enter the physical world. Even while the calling is challenging, the journey is radically transformative. Let this list of typical herbs used during pregnancy inspire you to do what is best for both you and your unborn child.

Herbs commonly used in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Garlic Cold and flu

Calendula helps treat mastitis

Chamomile sleep and digestive aid (when made in a lotion it can treat sore nipples)

Senna relieves constipation

Echinacea cold and flu

Butcher’s Broom

Elderflower/berry cold and flu

Limeflowers induces sleep; helps with anxiety and tension; fever and cold relief

Nettle NO ROOT rich in iron calcium, silica and vitamin K

Slippery Elm nausea and morning sickness

Bilberry hemorrhoids treatment

Cramp bark prevent mischarge relieves stomach cramps

Ginger morning sickness

Red Raspberry prevents excessive bleeding during and after labor. (Drink during entire pregnancy)

Peppermint over all body strengthener

Shepherds Purse (take after birth) prevents excessive bleeding

Combat Iron Deficiency

2 BEETS a day - smoothie or juice / raw (use lemon juice to help the body absorb the iron )


1 table spoon of beans of any sort

Sea moss/ Seaweed

*check back for updates

Welcome to your highest call!

My first pregnancy.

Muthahood is the most sacred conquest one can take. It is full of beautiful challenges that push you to become one with your deeper self. You see our kids are our most divine mirrors. They themselves are masters of certain qualities we as their mother's have.

From them we can learn to balance out our own nature. While nurturing and developing theirs. Take this gift of motherhood as an honor and always do your best to be your best. This is your highest calling.

Here in this section you can find resources to help us stay strong, encouraged, and most importantly educated in the the best holistic practices. I hope you enjoy this content.
