The Journey Within

Here I am again at this point of total admiration. It feels as if I can see my new life off in the distance just beyond self imagined mountains. These mountains are structures of absolute power that once surpassed, will enable me to become stronger and wiser. I gladly accept the challenge as I know I am well equipped. As I continue to move into a constant state of observation by allowing myself to create distance between my thinking mind, and the body my consciousness is able to pinpoint certain character traits that will not be helpful as I make the trek. This is the journey.

Throughout the day I find myself with a tissue in hand, face firmly planted as tears of relief, joy, and sometimes guilt rush down. I hold my breath as I go deeper into the feeling to allow myself to penetrate the pain deeply because I know the moment will be a past memory soon enough. Although at times the release feels agonizing I welcome it. I enjoy the waves of emotion. I understand energy in motion is in accordance to creation therefore I willingly surrender to the waves. I also know it is crucial to not remain with an emotion for too long. For that won't due me any good either as I just stated creation = motion. This is the journey.

I'm often filled with immense gratitude to be able to reconcile with myself. Allowing what was once lost to be regained. As I go down into the feeling I retrieve aspects of myself that were once lost due to self negligence. I often apologize to myself during the lows. My appreciation for life has grown and the moments of the day seem to be lasting impressions within my being. As I encounter these structures of hidden emotion I can't help but outwardly call out or rather sob, thanking The Creator for allowing me to conceptualize my current state. This permits me to gracefully reorganize myself. This is the journey.

Taking a practical approach to existence has truly been rewarding and my life is becoming better due to the decision to live life at the highest state of conduct. And this wasn't as hard as the mind made it seem. The mind is accustom to things being operating certain way. So when you switch it up there can sometimes be a lag between what your consciousness is saying and what signals the mind is sending to the body. It is important to note the sensations of the body do not have to be followed. They are not commands. Only simple sensations due to the brains current programing. This can be changed by consistatly examining the thoughts. Dismissing what isn’t in alignment with the new lifestyle you are creating for yourself.

This is the journey. I am inspirited by the simplest of things as I recognice myself as a student of life. I am growing and I am committed to myself like never before. Here’s what I’v gathered thus far. Once you come into an awareness you are required to conduct yourself differently. What one learns must be embodied, applied, and live otherwise you only keep empty words amongst your heart that do no good to the keeper. Awarenesses must be personified. only then will you access new levels of existence. And if you choose to not adhere. You should prepare yourself for a great fall. Understand you will drop further into your self inflicted chaos. Where the noise will become louder than before. Avoid this self initiated turmoil by choosing to follow your inner intelligence. The consciousness we house never leads us astray.

This is the journey.

- Meditative