As you continue to develop into the most beautiful version of yourself you are gifted access to a space where higher intellect can be found. It is within this space you enter the Flow state. Flows state is an ongoing connection between you and the divine. Within this non thinking state you are allowed the ability to do access majesty effortlessly. It is here where what seems to have been lost becomes yours again.
Operating off of pure consciousness requires no distraction as the slighted thing can interrupt the feed. The more you continue to reverence silence the easier it is to access. Silence is the bridge between the intellectual mind and the supreme authority. This state of supreme authority or Flow State is what great artist and genius thinkers tap into. Within this state you are divinely inspired to create and build the most incredible things.
This state of being is the epitome of the human experience. Flow state incites efficiency in all processes. It is where you can get the most done without exerting too much energy. The more you dismantle your attention from distractions the better your chances become to entering this state. It’s all about developing your monkey mind. You have to see the mind as a tool. It should not run the show.
The mind is a tool used to solve problems. Within flow state it simply isn’t needed. It is required that you stay within your body. Someone with poison toxins will never be able to get to this point. The toxins act as a barrier to what lies beneath the feelings. I believe flow state is our natural state of being. One in which we existed before all the distractions were introduced. Getting back here is matter of the hearts intent. If you truly want to be closer to your natural state of existence your actions will prove it.
Don’t over complicate evolution. Simply allow a natural thing to happen. Do away with your lowly desires and rise about the fluctuation of human emotion. You will be sure to rise according to your nature. Do right. Think right, and make sound choices. All is working on your behalf. Do your part to maintain the solid connection.