What Are You Waiting For?
Most of us overlook life as the greatest opportunity. The ability to have a physical body with a seated consciousness is not a moment to sleep on. Life is an opportunity for individual advancement. Each day granted presents you with the choice to make the most of time or not. Most people fail to realize or can't comprehend life this way. They believe waking is always going to happen and they also assume our bodies will work as they should even without proper care and attention. Let me wake you up to the fact that this isn’t true. Your body will only do as much as you require of it. Your body will become an example of just what your are. And waking is a privilege to the wise individual. If you’ve ever experienced an unexpected death you’d be able to grasp this concept much easier.
You see none of us know when we will lose access to this physical plain. None of us know the moment our last breathe will be taken or the last thought to be realized and it is this knowing that should inspire us to make the most out of our opportunity to live. You see life is the ultimate opportunity. We humans may perhaps be the envy of the cosmos. It is us who are able to experience pleasure and pain coupled with a consciousness enabling us to read between the lines. Most sleep on this reality. We move too fast to appreciate the rise and fall of our chest cavity. Thinking the involuntary process of breathing and blood flow are something we are entitled to just because we are human. Let me tell you aren’t entitled to anything. In fact it is more beneficial to see yourself as and entitlement to life.
Life being finite should be recognized as a holy experience. We shouldn’t waste our lives by not taking proper care of our minds, bodies, spirits, and souls. Being human is a responsibility. I use to say it was a gift but now I see it as an opportunity. And with opportunities come responsibilities. Now each individual is responsible for the mood or theme of their life. We choose what we pay attention to. We choose what we become. Therefore the faculty of choice must be closely examined. To choose not to make the most of each day is a choice against yourself. It is a silent contract you make to remain the same. This silent contract you make via your choices will always manifest itself physically. This is the rule of thumb here in this physical plain. Those who hold the Bible in high regard should reference Luke 12: 2-3. Be sure not to exclude your part in the matter.
You see it should be noted the consciousness within the physical body is wise. The consciousness has experienced more than our human minds can conceptualize. It is always guiding us. It is directly correlated to The Creator. What happens is we allow our minds; our greatest tool; to be the main event. Not realizing that in order for a tool to be useful it must be properly used and handled. Another invisible aspect of the mind are the spirits of influence. Depending on your spiritual disposition you can be influenced to go against your consciousness aka the highest form of intelligence. It is up to you to feed yourself good food. And i’m not talking about only the matter. You must strategically select what you allow within your portals. For what you take in comes out and it greatly influences the aptitude of your spirits.
Our minds are receptors and we can receive messages from many different sources aka spirits. The messages relied will manifest as the state of your mind. It will enable you to face challenges or be defeated. A weak mind is the product of a weak spirit. To strengthen the mind one must inspect the spirits allowed within the vessel. Also take note the people you associate with will have a strong influence over you so choose wisely. Human connection can help you gain or loose. Be sure to only associate yourself with things of value to enhance this opportunity called life.
Let me reiterate life is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. Right now is the time to take proper action. It is your responsibility to make the most of your waking time. Do only things that will grant you an advantage. It is wise to dedicate each waking moment to growth and development. Don’t fall into a state of complacsecisy. Don’t watch, listen to, or participate in activities that don’t strengthen your spirits. Again it is the spirit(s) that influence the mind. Don’t waste your life.