The Battle Within that Is Already Won

Are you ready to show up for yourself?





Listed above are The Four Blockers to Happiness. It is my theory by facing each of these we accomplish one of our biggest task; maintaining a balanced state of mind. We all experience these frequencies. They usually bombard your mind in the mist of a come up. I think its the way the subconscious testing you to see if you’re ready to consciously experience that which you desire.

It is only when we allow yourself to be overtaken by the energy serge or wave if you will that we become imbalance. Yet even in imbalance we possesses the power to shift(change). It is all up to us. When we stop making excuses we make way for such change. We make change by implementing knew behaviors to benefit our individuality as a whole.

Reminders or triggers of the four blockers to happiness can be seen as RED FLAGS. Signs from our body that we need to take a step back, relax, and realign. When we are balanced there’s no struggle. Anytime you feel resistance it is because you are pushing away or shaming an aspect of self. We can change this.

Total self acceptance is ultimately what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship with yourself. You must become well acquainted with your shortcomings as well as know your attributes. They both serve you well if you learn how to develop them both. With total self acceptance it’s easy to adapt a non judgment/non bias mindset. It is within these perimeters we are able to create and manifest at Will. You must assert balance first. If you don’t your creations can be distorted.

Simply put emotions are the product of thought. When your thoughts cause you to have emotional imbalanced responseses my advice is to acknowledge & DISMISS the thought. Avoid feeding (pondering or fixating) the “negative” emotion. Tribe this is the battle within. The battle of learning to justly serve the left and right brain. It’s a true war zone. You are your nest teacher and you are the first line of defense. Power up. You’ve already won. Prove yourself worthy of the crown.
