Herbs & Pregnancy
Salutations to the natural world. Pregnancy, in my opinion, is the pinnacle of spiritual experience. It helps us comprehend our past, present, and future selves better. It requires us to take the best possible care of ourselves. Due to our agreement, a new being will enter the physical world. Even while the calling is challenging, the journey is radically transformative. Let this list of typical herbs used during pregnancy inspire you to do what is best for both you and your unborn child.
Herbs commonly used in pregnancy and breastfeeding
Garlic Cold and flu
Calendula helps treat mastitis
Chamomile sleep and digestive aid (when made in a lotion it can treat sore nipples)
Senna relieves constipation
Echinacea cold and flu
Butcher’s Broom
Elderflower/berry cold and flu
Limeflowers induces sleep; helps with anxiety and tension; fever and cold relief
Nettle NO ROOT rich in iron calcium, silica and vitamin K
Slippery Elm nausea and morning sickness
Bilberry hemorrhoids treatment
Cramp bark prevent mischarge relieves stomach cramps
Ginger morning sickness
Red Raspberry prevents excessive bleeding during and after labor. (Drink during entire pregnancy)
Peppermint over all body strengthener
Shepherds Purse (take after birth) prevents excessive bleeding
Combat Iron Deficiency
2 BEETS a day - smoothie or juice / raw (use lemon juice to help the body absorb the iron )
1 table spoon of beans of any sort
Sea moss/ Seaweed
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