In order to rebuild you must first destroy.
When it all seems to crumble remember in order to rebuild you must first destroy.
There are times in our lives when we hit roadblocks. Situations arise that you didn't foresee. The very thing we meticulously planned isn't happening the way we imagined. This realization can be very hard to accept. Resisting the truth of the matter creates stress in the body. Yet it is the act of acceptance that leads us to greater feelings of peace and satisfaction.
Learn to cope
We must come to realize things happen for us not to us. Whether it be a pleasant experience or not. It is simply a lesson and it doesn't define who you are. We are constantly evolving, and the rate at which we evolve depends on our ability to cope. With that being said it makes complete sense to me to establish specific rituals or coping mechanism that benefits our desired outcome.
Deal with the pain
A lot of times we'd rather avoid the pain and look for the nearest escape route. Leaving nothing resolved and subsequently stunt our development, and prolong our progress. Issues have to be dealt with. Otherwise if retained or ignored it leads to dis-ease. And this can manifest itself in many different ways. What you want to avoid is reliving the cycle.
Heighten your awareness
You see things continue to happen to us until we become aware. The universe is always working in our favor to bring us exactly what we need. A lot of times it is our lack of awareness that causes us to miss out on something that could potentially be our greatest reward. Letting go expectations and learning how to surrender and trust is the only way to avoid anxiety and stress. It is a sure way to exist more peacefully. Simply surrendering to the gut, your inner voice, can lead you to infinite satisfaction.
Be encouraged. You can't lose.
If you find yourself at a crossroads be encouraged. It's when we face our biggest challenges we learn the most about ourselves. And come to realize our innate ability to be victorious. As painful as letting go can be it is most times necessary. Expectations lead to disappointment. When you let go of the expectation and become more focused and aware of the present moment transformation can occur.